Mad Science Reborn

Server Information
Hostname Mad Science Reborn, PVE, x2, Convoy, Raidable Bases, Bosses, Zo
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 37 / 100
Location United Kingdom
Version 2553
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Registered by Muktuk
Registered since June 9th, 2024 06:08 PM EST
Last update June 9th, 2024 06:16 PM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Custom Loot Events PvE Vote Rewards
Vote(s) 59
Rank 116
Score 91
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

A cult classic returns! A unique modded experience offering new challenges and a chilled raiding environment.

Map wipes every two weeks with a blueprint, experience point and currency wipe every three months.

Dangerous and hostile NPCs roam the land and guard monuments and airdrops. Different outlaw factions control different radtowns.

Challenges for all skill levels - epic bosses with deadly abilities, heavily armoured convoys and devastating attack helis for you to test yourself against.

PVE with NPC bases to raid and a PVP zone at small oilrig to practice your skills. n Improved gather rate and loot tables and highly rewarding custom events.

Backpacks, homes, kits, personal vehicles, shop, skins, teleport, water bases and many other quality of life mods available. Further information available in chat with the /help command

37 Online Players

alana, francene, tammera, shaunda, kam, darin, thomas, eleni, karissa, annika, lakiesha, rosaline, taunya, bella, odilia, neely, callie, erlinda, sona, loreta, toney, beverly, nikole, huong, elizebeth, juliann, pearly, mariah, shaquita, tana, rocco, keira, joni, eustolia, elin, holly, consuelo, holley, darren, julia, ayako