Origins Apocalypse 3x Zombies, Raids, Events

Server Information
Hostname Origins Apocalypse PVE 3x Zombies,Events,Raids
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 7 / 60
Location United Kingdom
Version 2564
Platform Windows
Map Custom Map
Registered by Thunderchile
Registered since October 9th, 2023 06:21 PM EST
Last update July 21st, 2024 04:28 PM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Events Fast Crafting Friendly Instant Craft No Durability PvE Starterkit

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Vote(s) 6
Rank 238
Score 13
Favorited 4
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

After the last great war, mankind was driven to the point of extinction by crazed power grabbing Elites. But those under their control just gave them what they wanted, a weapon that would wreak havok on the whole face of the Earth. A weapon that split continants and sunk them leaving scattered islands in decay which the Army and scientists worked to lower the population even further.

Radiation is not the only killer, the wild animals also left back in charge now braver than ever. Military used to swat anyone who looks dangerous they routinely wipe out anyone who looks like they are getting back on their feet.