Rusty Amigos! 5x Ore|Events|Water&RaidableBases

Server Information
Hostname Rusty Amigos! Events|Water&RaidableBases
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 60
Location Netherlands
Version 2546
Platform Linux
Map Procedural Map
Registered by Gwabber
Registered since September 5th, 2022 10:31 AM EST
Last update December 9th, 2023 10:33 AM EST
Tag(s) Events Friendly Groups Kits Oxide PvE PvP Rust++

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 783
Score 4
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to Rusty Amigos!
Rules, Plugin and command info are all on discord!
Join Discord,, click the view webpage button on start screen!

We are a new fresh server and we only have a few hard ⁠rules, plz respect them!
Apart from all the event plugins, its a vanilla loot server!
The only thing that has changed are the stack sizes and it is 5x ore!

What do we offer.
- We have our own server with good fps and almost no lag!
- A server discord, with chat channels and info you want to know about the server.
- Active admins and moderators.
- We have a Modded outpost! (All DLC items and more!)
- Quarry's, Pump jacks & Test Generators for sale at the outpost.

We have cool Events, such as:
* HarborEvent
* RaidableBases
- BradleyGuards
* HeliRefuel
* PilotEject
* PlaneCrash
* ZombieHorde

And nice base building plugins:
* WaterBases
- BuildingSkins
* Drawbridges
- SAMSite Auth
- SecurityLights
- SignArtist
- EnhancedHammer
- BuildingWorkbench
* Submersible pump
- PersonalVaultDoor
* SkinBox
- And More!

We hope to see you on the server.