Rev Rust 10x PvE

Server Information
Hostname RevRust 10x PvE Monthly |Skills|Jetpack|Events|RaidBases
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 11 / 30
Location Australia
Version 2553
Platform Linux
Map Join Us Today
Group Revolution Rust Servers
Registered by RevGamingRust
Registered since January 7th, 2022 08:10 AM EST
Last update July 18th, 2023 05:01 AM EST
Tag(s) Economy Fast Crafting Friendly Kits PvE Rust++ Starterkit

Discord Server

Vote(s) 62
Rank 106
Score 102
Favorited 3
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to Revolution Gaming Rust!
Revolution Rust PvE 10x Gather & Loot - Monthly Wipes, Final 36 hour Purge where PVP is enabled!
Beware of the NPCs that roam the monuments and kill the Bosses for their glue!
Store your best loot in the bank to carry it over to the next wipe!
- Custom Maps
-Skill Tree
-Space Event
- Defendable Bases
- Armored Train
- Convoy
- Jetpacks
- Raidable Bases
- Grid Power
Server Events
- Kits
- Faster recycling
- Furnace sorter
- Quick Smelt
- Backpacks
Verified players get:
- TP /home /bandit /outpost
- Bigger backpacks
- Starter & VIP kits
Unlock VIP perks by playing on the server or
Check out for VIP donator packages

We support the Dev community by buying our plugins from legitimate sources, so by playing on our servers you also support them too!

11 Online Players

janell, hong, madie, corrin, lavern, noemi, thurman, delta, crissy, aron, refugio, craig

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
4 / 30 Economy Events Kits PvE Rust++ Vote Rewards
1 / 50 Events Friendly Oxide PvP Rust++ Vote Rewards