Legendary Rust

Server Information
Hostname Legendary Rust | PVE | KITS | HEAVILY MODDED
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 0 / 150
Location United States of America
Version 2553
Platform Linux
Map Procedural Map
Registered by mrdragonzz
Registered since December 8th, 2021 09:30 AM EST
Last update June 1st, 2023 08:28 PM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Economy Events Fast Crafting Friendly Kits PvE Starterkit
Vote(s) 26
Rank 166
Score 44
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

added as of 2/22 shoot down plane and convoy mods noob friendly. added a lot of events come check us out.