RAIDEN RUST PvE 2x+ Leveling|Zombies|Shop|Events

RAIDEN RUST PvE 2x+ Leveling|Zombies|Shop|Events
Server Information
Hostname RAIDEN RUST PvE 2x+ Leveling|Zombies|Shop|Events
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 7 / 80
Location United States of America
Version 2580
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Registered by Sitgos
Registered since May 16th, 2021 03:15 AM EST
Last update October 5th, 2023 01:48 PM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Economy Events Friendly Kits PvE RPG Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 43
Rank 63
Score 72
Favorited 12
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

**Server Runs Economics, Server Shop and most features require coins**
Hosted from Central US.

Friendly Server for PvE Content that also offers a PvP Zone called Dark Zones with increased Risk comes increased reward, Server Shop to buy and sell what you want, Leveling system with stats that improves Combat and increase the rating past 2x , Quality Crafted gear with Crafting Levels, Scientists roam monuments, Multiple events and things to do marked on the map, more features below!

Wipes Bi-Weekly or when forced. BP Wipes monthly. Money and Levels DO NOT WIPE! Wipes at 01:00PM CST.

Visit our Discord Channel:
Interact with players in game with our discords "In-Game Chat" Channel!

Multiple Events spawn for greater challenges such as:
-Raidable Bases
-Dangerous Treasures
-Bradley Reinforcments
-Guarded Crates
-Helicopter Tiers from Scrap to Elite

-Taxi Driver
-Stack Size increased by x10
-Cupboard/Storages Store 2X+ Resources
-Guarded Crates
-Level up with perks and stats!
-Vote for Rewards
-Rotate and Demolish with hammer
-Furnace Splitter
-GUI Shop with almost everything!
-Bradley Reinforcments
-Item Renaming
-Helicopter Tiers with no rockets till Military Tier.
-Player Challenges with 24 Catagorys to fight over Titles
-Skip Night Vote
-Researching Blueprint Known Indicator
-Economic's/Server Rewards
-Raidable Bases
-Hackable Loot wait time to 5M.
-Quests that are repeatable and daily
-Playtime Rewards / Ranks
-Recycling and Furnaces Speed's increased
-No Hositle Time
-Teleportation (/bandit, /outpost, /home, /tpr)
-No Escape (Block Teleport for Raids/Combat)
-Monument AI
-Virtual Quarries and Quarry Upgrades
-Back Pack
-Life Support
And Many More!!

7 Online Players

rhea, vanessa, arla, cathie, catalina, bong, xochitl, kesha