Server Information
Address rust.12guys.se:28016
Hostname [EU/SWE] 12Guys |PvPvE|XP|QUESTS|
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 2 / 50
Location Sweden
Version 2553
Platform Linux
Map Last Oasis
Website https://discord.12guys.se
Registered by magnumk
Registered since December 11th, 2020 03:01 AM EST
Last update June 21st, 2024 12:57 AM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Economy Events Friendly Kits PvP Starterkit Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 10
Rank 212
Score 21
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to 12Guys:

the land of mystery in the vast wilderness of Rust! Prepare to embark on an epic adventure where one of the twelve holds a secret that will leave you scratching your head and laughing your pants off!

Join our server where it's all about your skills, strategy, and wit. Get ready to face off against friends and foes in a fair and balanced Rust experience that will keep you on your toes.

So, gather your friends, sharpen your axes, and get ready to immerse yourself in the adventure of a lifetime on 12Guys – where mysteries unfold and laughter reigns supreme!

- Offline Raid Protection (bought with in game currency)
- [NewPlayer] New players are raid protected for 48h 
- Upgradable TC
- Offline Raidprotection can be bought
- Startkit and kits to buy from shop
- VIP will give you access to skins but also redeemable kits, etc…
- Bag of Holding: find bags. Upgrade to bigger bags or recycle
- Quests: Unique quests that will test your Rust skills! 
- In game currency and ATM's
- Craftable recycler, test generator, etc… 
- Grid Power: Power poles generates power during the day
- Alot of other plugins such as: Boss Monsters, Backpacks, Raidable bases (240+ different bases), Convoy, Gas station event, Supermarket event. Armoured Train, Epic Loot, Roam Tasks, mini game Survival Arena and more!

- Lvl based system with 23 ranks
- Each rank unlocks new skills/talents (such as increased gathering rates, reduced crafting speed and increased health, electricity, damage etc. etc…)

More info on Discord https://discord.12guys.se 

2 Online Players

stormy, maisie