I4ANI 5x|Insta|Skin|TP|Remove|Radar|Monthly|Unique Server

Server Information
Hostname I4ANI|5x|PVP|KDR|NPC Bases|TP|Levels|Backpack|Custom Plugins
Status Checked 1 hour ago / Online 15 days ago
Players 0 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 2552
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Website http://www.i4ani.com
Registered by pc2mike
Registered since October 4th, 2019 09:39 PM EST
Last update October 4th, 2019 09:39 PM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Events Fast Crafting Friendly Instant Craft Kits PvP Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 35
Rank 247
Score 14
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Greetings & Welcome to Eye-for-an-Eye
This Server is a US English PVP Server
The Map Size is 4k
Map and blueprints wipe monthly!

Operated by non player admin and plugin developer
Hosted on a dedicated machine

Heli Capture, Plane Crash, Farm Event, Maze Event, Gungame, Supply Drop Event

Server Stats: FPS 220 | RAM: 6049MB | Entities: 119809 | Last Wipe: 10/3/19

Custom Plugins: 179
Paid Plugins: 7
uMod Plugins: 45
Total Plugins: 231