Untam3d Apocolyps3 Rust |5x|No Decay|Kits

Server Information
Hostname Untam3d Apocolyps3 Rust |5x|Bi-Weekly Wipe|No Decay|Kits|TP|Ski
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 50
Location United States of America
Version 2553
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Website http://www.uzi-gaming.com
Registered by OverlordCyco
Registered since May 18th, 2018 01:34 AM EST
Last update April 23rd, 2024 04:13 PM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Bounty Doorsharing Economy Instant Craft Kits Oxide Starterkit

Discord Server

Teamspeak Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 617
Score 5
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to Untam3d Apocolyps3 part of UZI Gaming!

We’re a bi-weekly server that wipes on the first and third Thursday of each month. First wipe is map and BP’s second is map only.

Installed Plugins:

AutoCodeLock, AutoDoors, Backpacks, BetterLoot, BountyNET, BuildingGrades, Clans, CraftQueueSaver, DangerousTreasures, DeathMarker, DeathNotes, DiscordMessages, DynamicCupShare, Friends, FurnaceSplitter, Hacker, HeliVote, HomesGUI, HomeRecycler, InstantBuy, Kits, LockOnRockets, NeonSkins, NoDecay, PlaneCrash, PlayerRanks, PrivateMessages, QuickSort, RemoteTurrets, RemoverTool, RustNET, SecurityCameras, SecurityLights, SharedDoors, SignArtist, Skills, SkinBox, StacksExtended, TeleportGUI, Trade"

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Rank Server Players Status Tags
0 / 50 Oxide PvP Vanilla
0 / 50 Airdrops PvP Vanilla
2 / 50 Airdrops Bounty Custom Loot Doorsharing Economy Events Kits PvE
0 / 50
0 / 50 Airdrops Bounty Custom Loot Doorsharing Fast Crafting Instant Craft Kits Oxide
0 / 50 Airdrops Economy Oxide PvP