RT.Broland | Low Pop |

Server Information
Hostname RT.Broland | Low Pop |
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 120
Location United Kingdom
Version 2582
Platform Linux
Map Procedural Map
Website https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/rust/31636792
Registered by FluffUkon
Registered since January 31st, 2025 11:27 AM EST
Last update January 31st, 2025 11:27 AM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Economy Essentials Groups PvE PvP Rust++ Vanilla
Vote(s) 0
Rank 881
Score 3
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

RT.Broland | Low Pop |

"vanilla" Rust, crafting, and building in an open-world environment. The core of Rust is all about staying alive, whether that means gathering resources, constructing shelters, or fending off other players. You begin with very little — just a rock and a torch — and you must scavenge for materials to craft weapons, tools, and build fortifications. The game has a heavy emphasis on PvP (player vs. player), so you'll encounter plenty of other players who may either be allies or threats, leading to tense and dynamic interactions. It's all about managing hunger, thirst, health, and safety while dealing with the elements, wild animals, and other players.