[SWE] PVE Weekly [Raidbases/Convoy/SkillTree]

Server Information
Hostname [SWE] PvP Primitive
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 1 / 50
Location Sweden
Version 2582
Platform Windows
Map SgZ: Medieval Map
Registered by d0bby
Registered since November 22nd, 2024 02:58 PM EST
Last update January 25th, 2025 05:57 PM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Economy Events Friendly Oxide PvE Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 967
Score 3
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

[SWE] PVE Weekly
You wont lose your gear or items if you die, unless you logged out in safezone and also, you can't loot or raid other players bases, furnitures or boxes.

Take the fight to the boss monsters, convoys, helicopters, bradley's, guarded crates and raidable bases.
Participate in different events and maybe, if you are lucky, can you find perks for your gear and items.
Take part of the tasks and quests to get rewards, hack cash registers and find loot in gasolinepumps and lockers or gather hemp to use custome recipes in the mixing table.

The possibilities for being interactive on our server is high.

* Raidablebases
* Convoys
* HeliSignals
* BradleyDrop
* BossMonsters
* GuardedCrates
* MonumentEvents
* RemoverTool
* ItemShop
* VehicleShop
* BuyRaid
* SkillTree
* ItemPerks
* BetterLoot and many more plugins.