GRIMMZONE 5X PVE/PVP Zones Hybrid | Zombies | Skills | Event

GRIMMZONE 5X PVE/PVP Zones Hybrid | Zombies | Skills | Event
Server Information
Hostname GRIMMZONE PVP 5X | Zombies | Skills | Events | Raidable Bases |
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 2582
Platform Windows
Map Custom Map
Registered by grimm530
Registered since November 17th, 2024 11:29 AM EST
Last update December 23rd, 2024 06:29 AM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Custom Loot Friendly Kits Oxide PvE PvP Starterkit

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 343
Score 6
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

🌟 Player Perks Upon Spawn:

⭐ Simple loadout some food, meds, bow, tools.

⭐ PVP at all monuments. Entire center island is PVP & RAIDING!

⭐ Rest of the map is PVE and Roleplay friendly. Peaceful node farms.

⭐ 48 hour end of wipe purge.

⭐ We have live interactive map markers for PVP zones and Boss npcs.

⭐ Always custom maps with custom monuments and NPCs.

⭐ Custom node spawn locations designed to encourage exploration
and Amplify PVP opportunities across the map.

⭐ Sulfur = Desert Metal = snow Stone = Grass Areas

⭐ Clans, Quests, Kits, Vehicles, Backpacks, SkinBox, TP/Home, Rewards

🔍 In-Game Commands:

Use /info to view a list of all available commands.

💎 GrimmRewards (GR):

💰 Earn GrimmRewards by engaging in various server activities such as farming nodes, battling players, defeating NPCs, looting, and more.

💰 Spend GR in the in-game shop, player market, or use them to purchase boosters and VIP packages.

Join the adventure and dominate the battlefield with unparalleled perks and rewards. See you in the GRIMMZONE! 🏆🚁

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8 / 100 Airdrops Custom Loot Economy Fast Crafting Friendly Oxide PvE Starterkit