RustRPG Skills|JetPacks|Bosses|Pve

Server Information
Hostname RustRPG Skills|JetPacks|Bosses|Pve
Status Checked 34 minutes ago / Online 45 days ago
Players 0 / 125
Location United States of America
Version 2574
Platform Linux
Map Procedural Map
Registered by Aardvark
Registered since November 16th, 2024 04:35 PM EST
Last update November 16th, 2024 04:35 PM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Economy Events Kits Oxide PvE
Vote(s) 0
Rank 1306
Score 0
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to RustRPG, where RPG meets survival!
We are a PvE based server with a wide variety of plugins to increase the challenge from the environment, while adding in a laid back atmosphere of not having to deal with players. Here are some of the plugins we use;

- SkillTree - As you farm, explore, kill. You will gain in experience and be granted skill points that will enhance and strengthen you!
-Epic and Enhanced loot (with crafting!) - As you explore this wilderness and slaughter and beat on barrels, special loot will drop that has special abilities and modifiers
- JetPacks/Magic Planters are able to drop (albeit very rare)
- BetterNpc - All monuments now have smarter scientists.. and more dangerous!
- Boss Monster! Several Boss’s have populated the map. Be warned, they have special abilities you may not expect, but they reward you with epic loot!
-Cooking 2.0 - Gain special ingredients to create special food that grants special buffs!
-Personal Recyclers!
-Better Backpacks!
- Pocket Dimensions
-Water Bases!
-In-game Shop
-Raidable Bases
-Vote day/nights
-Hardy Planters, Plant without needing light/water etc
-Sortify, sort your boxes with a click of a button!
-Simple PVE

and much more! Nothing is pay gated, everything is free and either requires looting or acquiring from leveling!