L0g1c Vanilla

L0g1c Vanilla
Server Information
Hostname L0g1c Vanilla
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 2 / 120
Location Europe
Version 2564
Platform Linux
Map Procedural Map
Registered by Progresul
Registered since September 21st, 2024 04:09 AM EST
Last update October 2nd, 2024 05:30 AM EST
Last wipe October 4th, 2024 12:00 AM CEST
Tag(s) Vanilla

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 393
Score 6
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Hello there
L0gic Rust is a brand new vanilla server here to provide you with an unique experience having 0 tolerance for cheaters , QOL changes to improve your gameplay and inform you about server and no player-admin relations.
No VIP without donations
All players are equal on our server
→ Wipe Map Weekly on friday 17:00 PM
→ Full Wipe Monthly n → Group limit: 3
→ FP banned alts -No ban evading -No racism Active no playing admins Full rules: https://discord.gg/QwhP4sqhBT
→ client.connect

2 Online Players

aileen, leigh