Norske Vikinger SOLO/DUO/TRIO Levels

Server Information
Hostname Norske Vikinger
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 28 / 125
Location Norway
Version 2583
Platform Linux
Map Procedural Map
Registered by hjorty
Registered since August 26th, 2024 11:12 AM EST
Last update December 19th, 2024 10:23 AM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Economy Groups Kits PvP Rust++ Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 92
Rank 106
Score 148
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Velkommen til Norske Vikinger!
* Your vanilla experience, a server not bloated with plugins.
We are beginner friendly!
Team size: 3 Max
- Max 3 players authorized on TC over the course of a wipe
- Max 3 players in a group, no swapping out members
Wipe cycle: Biweekly (map and blueprints)
Reserved slot: Get VIP

* Raid Alarm:
Get notified on your phone through the official Rust companion app.
Make sure you're paired with the server (Rust+) and type /raidalarm test

* Raid Hours (new system):
Raiding is disabled between 01:00 and 13:00 (Oslo time),
don't worry about getting offlined while it's sleepy time.

* Rates
Components and scrap: 3x
Quarries: Vanilla rate
Other resources: Boosted based on your level
Crafting time: Boosted based on your level
Request a free airdrop using /kit

* Unwritten rules:
1. Be fair. 2. Don't raid beginner bases.

28 Online Players

christene, ruben, garry, willard, parker, eleanore, kena, brittni, karon, juliette, nerissa, samatha, nicolas, milagros, camie, herta, indira, rasheeda, sasha, lyndsey, vickie, tonie, randee, chrystal, lanette, ruthe, shanell, ayana, maryjo, billi, albertha, dee, lona