RUSTED NOOBS [EU/UK] 5x/Kits/Loot+/Events/Rust+

Server Information
Hostname EU/NL WildWorldx1 Kits/More
Status Checked 1 hour ago / Online 14 days ago
Players 0 / 50
Location United Kingdom
Version 2580
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Registered by samrichards231
Registered since August 9th, 2024 04:56 PM EST
Last update August 10th, 2024 09:54 AM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Custom Loot Events Friendly Groups Kits Starterkit Vanilla
Vote(s) 0
Rank 1232
Score 0
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Rusted Noobs is a friendly server that allows for PvP combat between players, adding an extra layer of excitement and challenge.


✯ Airstrike ✯ AutoDoors ✯ AutomatedEvents
✯ Backpacks ✯ BaseRepair ✯ BetterChat
✯ BetterLoot ✯ BradleyGuards ✯ ChestStackMultiplier
✯ Clans ✯ DangerousTreasures ✯ DeathNotes
✯ DynamicWireColors ✯ Economics ✯ FancyDrop
✯ FurnaceSplitter ✯ GatherManager ✯ GuardedCrate
✯ Kits ✯ NightZombies ✯ NpcRaiders
✯ NTeleportation ✯ PlayerGravestone ✯ PlayerRankings
✯ QuickSort ✯ Ragnarok ✯ RaidableBases
✯ RandomRaids ✯ SignArtist ✯ SmoothRestarter
✯ SortButton ✯ StackModifier ✯ TrainHeist
✯ VehicleLicence ✯ WhoKnocks ✯ WipeInfo

As for the "monthly wipe" aspect, this means that the server resets all player data and starting points every month, allowing new players to join and compete with each other from scratch. In Overall, this RUST game server offers a wide range of features that cater to both casual and hardcore players, providing a unique and exciting experience

Server Ip: (29516)