
Server Information
Hostname 【樱花】10x倍/NPC复仇/不掉落/萌新/PVE与PVP
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 100
Location China
Version 2556
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Website https://Rustyh.icu
Registered by tnnnny
Registered since August 1st, 2024 03:54 PM EST
Last update August 1st, 2024 03:54 PM EST
Tag(s) Cheatpunch Custom Loot Events Fast Crafting Friendly Instant Craft Kits Starterkit
Vote(s) 0
Rank 1037
Score 3
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

每月月初周五 @ 04:00 北京时间进行强制更新清档


- 建筑无限制,除大型种植房熔炼厂外
- 普通采集和资源增幅十倍
- NPC复仇、夜间丧尸、传送、免费建筑及装备皮肤、娱乐活动事件
- 全图划分开放式PVE区域和地图可视化PVP竞技区域及特色纪念碑
- 跟踪游戏时间和参与排名积分大礼包
- 更好的可视化帮助和快捷标签面板
- Web、QQ、Kook、Twitch 和 Steam 奖励
- 瞬间制作和分解速度,机器无等待时间


Are you tired of fighting and killing🤗🤗🤗
Welcome to this server to enjoy relaxation, communication, pastoral, elderly care, planting, construction, competition and other fun, instead of pursuing high-intensity competition and fighting
Every month at the beginning of the Friday @ 04:00 Beijing time, mandatory update and clearing

Our official website: https://Rustyh.icu

- Unlimited construction, except for large planting houses and smelting plants
- Ordinary collection and resource increase tenfold
- NPC revenge, night zombies, teleportation, free buildings and equipment skins, entertainment events
- Full map division open PVE area and map visualization PVP competition area and special monuments
- Track game time and participate in ranking points gift package
- Better visual help and quick label panel
- Support NetEase Cloud Music and picture frames, custom anti-cheating system
- Web, QQ, Kook, Twitch and Steam rewards
- Instant production and decomposition speed, no waiting time for the machine

Join our QQ: 908960201

0 Online Players

avery, shelli, lesa