Spectre Rust

Server Information
Hostname Spectre Rust | 2x | Solo/Duo/Trio | Better Loot | JUST WIPED
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 0 / 200
Location United States of America
Version 2548
Platform Linux
Map Procedural Map
Website https://store.spectrerust.net
Registered by Spectre Rust
Registered since July 1st, 2024 02:52 PM EST
Last update July 1st, 2024 02:52 PM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Groups Kits PvP Starterkit

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 946
Score 3
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

A new Rust Server Coming Soon:

• EU Server
• 2x Gather Rates
• Customised Loot Table
• Tier 1 BPs Unlocked
• Solo, Duo, Trio
• Active Staff
• Fast Smelt & Fast Recycle

At Spectre Rust we want to create an amazing Rust server for all players to come and play Rust having Fast Pace and Action filled Wipes. We Pride ourselves on having active Staff and getting rid of cheaters so they cannot ruin other peoples wipes. Server Opening Soon so get ready to invite all your friends for wipe day!