Tea 'n' Turrets - EU 5x Monthly|Kits|Clans|Max 5|TP|Raid Pro

Server Information
Address eu5x.teanturrets.com:28015
Hostname Tea 'n' Turrets - EU 5x Monthly|Kits|Clans|Max 5|TP|Raid Protec
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 100
Location United Kingdom
Version 2548
Platform Linux
Map Custom Map
Website https://teanturrets.com
Registered by teanturrets
Registered since July 1st, 2024 01:37 PM EST
Last update July 1st, 2024 01:37 PM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Custom Loot Fast Crafting Groups Instant Craft Kits PvP Starterkit

Discord Server

Vote(s) 1
Rank 735
Score 4
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

A competitive Clan vs Clan server, created by a team of dedicated admins with the sole aim of providing a balanced gaming experience.

Monthly Server Wipes: Force Wipe @ 8pm UTC
Kits and More: https://store.teanturrets.com

- 5x Gathering and Resources
- Tier 1 BP's and Instant Craft
- Clans, Auth Share, Teleport
- Access to Skinbox, BGrade, Furnace Splitter, Auto Doors, Box Sorter, Chest Stack and much more...
- Improved Loot
- Short Nights
- Offline Raid Protection (purchased with scrap)
- Raidable Bases (PVP)

Join our Discord by visit https://teanturrets.com