Server Information
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 1 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 2548
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Website https://absoluterust.com/
Registered by Hindu
Registered since June 16th, 2024 05:42 PM EST
Last update June 16th, 2024 06:58 PM EST
Last wipe June 6th, 2024 12:00 AM CEST
Tag(s) Airdrops Custom Loot Events Fast Crafting Friendly Groups Kits PvE

Discord Server

Vote(s) 6
Rank 244
Score 15
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

**Welcome to Absolute Rust PVE!**

**Server Overview:**
Absolute Rust PVE offers a unique and immersive Rust experience with a strong focus on community, collaboration, and fun. Our server is designed to provide players with a dynamic and engaging environment where you can thrive without the pressures of PVP. With a wide variety of plugins, exciting events, and customizable skilltree perks, Absolute Rust PVE has something for everyone. Plus, at the end of each wipe cycle, we host a thrilling 48-hour purge event where all PVP is enabled, turning the server into a battleground for one last big community event.

**Key Features:**

**Wide Variety of Plugins:**
Our server is equipped with an extensive range of plugins to enhance your gameplay experience. From quality-of-life improvements to exciting new mechanics, we have it all. Enjoy features like advanced economy systems, teleportation, enhanced building options, and more. Notably, you can raid NPC bases or defend your own base from NPC raids by throwing a flare, adding an extra layer of challenge and excitement to your gameplay.

**Exciting Events:**
We regularly host a variety of events to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Participate in treasure hunts, raid bases, PVE challenges, and more. Our events are designed to foster teamwork and provide thrilling experiences that bring the community together.

**48-Hour Purge Event:**
At the end of each wipe cycle, we host a 48-hour purge event where all PVP is enabled. This exciting finale turns the server into a battleground for one last big community event, allowing players to engage in all-out warfare and settle scores before the reset.

**Skilltree Perks:**
Develop your character with our unique skilltree system. Earn points through gameplay and unlock powerful perks that enhance your abilities. Specialize in areas like crafting, gathering, combat, and more to tailor your character to your preferred playstyle. Our skilltree adds a layer of progression and customization that keeps the game engaging.

**Community Focus:**
At Absolute Rust PVE, we pride ourselves on our friendly and welcoming community. Our active and helpful players create a supportive environment where everyone can enjoy the game. Join our Discord to connect with fellow players, participate in community events, and stay updated on server news. Our dedicated staff team is always available to assist with any issues and ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all.

**Join Us Today:**
Step into the world of Absolute Rust PVE and experience Rust like never before. With our wide variety of plugins, thrilling events, customizable skilltree perks, and a focus on community, there's no better place to play. We can't wait to see you in-game!

**Server Information:**
- **IP Address:** []
- **Discord:** [https://discord.gg/absoluterust]

Come join the adventure and make lasting memories with us at Absolute Rust PVE!

1 Online Players
