[US] Exile PvE | Noob Friendly | No Decay | No Raiding |

Server Information
Hostname [US] Exile PvE | Noob Friendly | No Decay | No Raiding |
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 2 / 50
Location United States of America
Version 2582
Platform Linux
Map Custom Map
Website https://discord.gg/bwKu9qD49N
Registered by Exile_ABC
Registered since May 2nd, 2024 08:05 PM EST
Last update May 2nd, 2024 08:05 PM EST
Last wipe May 2nd, 2024 12:00 AM CEST
Tag(s) Kits Oxide PvE
Vote(s) 0
Rank 696
Score 4
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Exile PvE is a friendly modded server for everyone from brand new rust players to rust veterans. We offer many QOL features for you to enjoy! n Information || Blueprints Wipe bimonthly | Decay and upkeep disabled | Player and building damage disabled n Wipes only when forced [Last wipe:5/2] n Active admins and very helpful community n Features || n Server Economy - Sell resources for server currency and buy special items all through the server store buy using /s | n Sign Artist - Paste image links to signs. | TP - Teleport to friends and any placed bed or bag. |n Increased stack sizes | n Backpack - An additional inventory that can be accessed at any time. | Levels - Gain XP from farming to increase your farming efficiency. | n While you can't raid your neighbor here, we offer NPC raidbases that spawn throughout the map. As well as buyable raid using /buyraid | n We have custom events such as a raidable submarine and a challenging airship event! | n Like taking Bradly? Hate waiting on heli to spawn? We got you covered! We offer buyable Bradly and Heli Signals so you can take them whenever you'd like! You can buy them at outpost! n Rules || n No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind(including sleeping players). n No mic or chat spam, player or admin disrespect, racism, or harassment. n No camping loot rooms, monuments or any highly concentrated areas. n You may build in caves but you must ensure safe passage for players. n Build limits are 12x12, must be fully utilized(no large empty bases) n One circle of Tool Cupboards(TCs) are permitted and there is a limit of 3-4 windmills. n Please join Discord to read a more detailed description of server rules or to discuss them with a Staff member.