Stay True

Server Information
Hostname [EU] StayTrue - 2X Solo/Duo/Trio | JUST WIPED
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 0 / 100
Location Finland
Version 2546
Platform Linux
Map Procedural Map
Registered by raf
Registered since April 10th, 2024 09:55 AM EST
Last update April 10th, 2024 09:55 AM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Events Fast Crafting Kits PvP Starterkit Vote Rewards
Vote(s) 2
Rank 445
Score 6
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

🌟 Welcome to Stay True Rust Server! 🌟

Survivors, welcome to Stay True Rust Server! Prepare yourself for an immersive Rust experience like no other. Our server is crafted to deliver excitement, fairness, and camaraderie. Here's what you can expect:

🔫 Custom Plugins: Our server is equipped with carefully selected plugins ensuring balanced gameplay and an enhanced experience.

🎁 Kits: Enjoy starter kits tailored to your needs, aiding you in your journey from the moment you join.

🏆 Rewards System: Hard work pays off with our rewards system. Conquer challenges to earn valuable rewards, enhancing your arsenal and fortifying your base.

⚒️ Custom Events: Participate in thrilling custom events, from PvP tournaments to resource-rich scavenger hunts, keeping the gameplay fresh and exciting.

💼 Active Community: Join our vibrant community of like-minded players, where collaboration and camaraderie thrive.

🛡️ Fair Play: We uphold strict rules against cheating and exploitation, ensuring a fair and enjoyable environment for all.

🌐 24/7 Uptime: Our server offers uninterrupted gameplay, welcoming players from all corners of the globe, at any time.

Join us on Stay True Rust Server and embark on an unforgettable adventure of survival, collaboration, and triumph. Are you ready to stay true?

Survive. Thrive. Stay True.