BIKINI PVE Survival EU : XP | Shop | NPCs | Kits | Events ++

Server Information
Hostname [EU] BIKINI Island : The Unique PVE Survival
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 30
Location France
Version 2582
Platform Windows
Map Cataclysm : Fury of Nature
Registered by Markus
Registered since April 3rd, 2024 09:19 AM EST
Last update March 6th, 2025 04:36 PM EST
Last wipe February 6th, 2025 12:00 AM CET
Tag(s) Custom Loot Economy Events Kits Oxide PvE Starterkit Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 22
Rank 136
Score 38
Favorited 3
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

Happy to see you here, everyone's welcome ! 😊

🫡 Join us :
From Rust F1 console by typing : connect
Our Discord :
Admins speak : English, French, Russian

🔥 Server spéciales features :
- Custom survival and exploration-oriented maps each monthly wipe
- All the monuments are populated with NPC enemies and sometimes unique traders
- A lot of events of various types and difficulty are available all the time. On the island, water and in the air. Balanced loot and rewards
- Very immersive game-play : no commands, just talk to NPCs to trade, take a quest or start a raid
- Fighters and builders, everyone will be pleased on Bikini
- You can find barges to build a mobile base on the water and tow it with a tug
- You are also able to build train homes and have a base on rails
- More exclusive building spots are usually marked on the map
- High mobility for exploration through crafting/buying all sorts of vehicles, barges, train homes
- A secure ferry circulates around the island
- Extended crafting system and mixing table
- Experience giving exclusive skills
- Many Quality of Life improvements without breaking the "vanilla" experience
- Enemy water patrols and tug pirates
- Daily and vote rewards
- For a better survival experience, we've adjusted server gathering rates, decay duration, stack sizes, daytime length and prices
- Super-friendly staff and a surely growing community :)

📋 Server description :
• Custom PVE maps and populated monuments to explore each month
• Well-configured plugins for a comfortable play
• Kits and vote rewards for an enjoyable start
• Bank system and special traders all over the map
• Real survival adventure : zombie hordes, custom NPCs, events and monuments
• Constant action or build and chill at homes
• Friendly community and CoOp
• Monthly wipe, experience and money remains
• More PvE mechanics and all terrains events
• Extended crafting system, check your workbench and mixing table
• Playing admins, a server designed for players by players
• Any questions ? Chat in game or hit our Discord @
• Continuous improvements

🧪 Some of the plugins we use :
QoL :
- Kits
- Backpacks
- Rewards
- SkillTree
- Economics
- Bank System
- Multiple trading plugins and NPCs
- SkinBox
- CraftMenu
- The Ferry
- NightLantern
- BuildingWorkbench

Construction/déco :
- Barges
- Train Homes
- Building Skins
- Building Sites
- Remover Tool
- Deployable Nature

PvE :
- RaidableBases
- BetterNPC (populated monuments)
- HeliSignals
- Multiple zombie plugins
- StatickLootables

And a lot of events : come check our /info -> Events

Join our Disord :