Bold Rust |SOLO| Fridays | Newbie/Noob Friendly

Server Information
Hostname Bold Rust |SOLO| Fridays | Newbie/Noob Friendly
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 21 / 100
Location United Kingdom
Version 2571
Platform Linux
Map Custom Map
Registered by rogderdodger
Registered since October 13th, 2023 10:59 AM EST
Last update October 13th, 2023 10:59 AM EST
Tag(s) PvE Vanilla
Vote(s) 0
Rank 780
Score 3
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Bold Rust | Fridays | SOLO | Newbie/Noob Friendly | Weekly Map Wipes | Biweekly BP Wipes |

High Performance Server, No lag with 24/7 Active Admins who do not play.



1. No racism, bigotry or Toxicity. Try and be friendly.

2. This is a solo only server, you must not ally with other players.

3. Raiding is allowed, but:
3.1 - Don't raid newbie starter bases, select bases that offer a challenge
3.2 - No Griefing (blocking TC, sealing the base)
3.3 - No base takeovers. Raid, take what you need then leave.
3.4 - Don't take EVERYTHING - leave players with enough to pick up and continue playing
3.5 - No raiding within the first 24 hours of a wipe

4. PVP Is Encouraged
4.1 - This doesn't mean you have to shoot everyone you see
4.2 - If you have gear and guns, don't go farming nakeds on the beach or before/while building their first base.
4.3 - If you go to a monument, Loot drop, locked crate - expect PVP
4.4 - No door camping, especially early in a wipe
4.5 - No roof camping (Shooting from your roof to defend your base is ok though)

Most of all try to have fun, this is a chill server, try to keep it friendly. If you kill a new player - pick him up, give him at least some of his stuff back - this is not a hardcore survival, dog-eat-dog server like most. Try and make the best of it.

21 Online Players

tynisha, lorinda, magda, rosemarie, tangela, agnes, trenton, elina, chantal, juliette, elfriede, elane, vanessa, birgit, valene, ines, jeanett, daron, katharina, yung, helene, leatha, sylvia