Rusty Mayhem

Server Information
Hostname Rusty Mayhem 25X | Skins | Skills | Weed | Raidable Bases
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 50
Location United States of America
Version 2582
Platform Windows
Map Custom Map
Registered by hurfie
Registered since September 25th, 2023 10:34 AM EST
Last update September 25th, 2023 10:34 AM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Economy Fast Crafting Friendly Instant Craft Kits Oxide PvP

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 645
Score 4
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome the Rusty Mayhem Server, are you brave enough to build in the open or are you the person that looks for that hidden away spot so you don't get Rustified? This server supports PVP and raiding, just try to be respectful of others (don't be one of those dicks that talk a bunch of smack).
-- wipes first Thursday of each month (forced wipe)
-- skills never reset and you pick what you to level up and when using shop money
-- get cool perks by donating to the server for VIP packages
-- 50+ premium plug-ins for ultimate game play for example: jet packs, pet bear, raid-able bases. skills
-- 2 days raid protection after wipe so you can prepare a strong base defense from those players that like to raid offline (cowards) or for those that like to online raid and PVP (the strong heroes of Rust) … which one are you?
-- most maps are custom made with a nice variety of custom made monuments (some you can build inside)