Rusty Penguin - Builders Sandbox | Linux Friendly

Server Information
Hostname - Builders Sandbox OLD IP
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 60
Location United Kingdom
Version 2546
Platform Linux
Map Custom Map
Registered by ChrisRid
Registered since September 15th, 2023 02:55 PM EST
Last update December 1st, 2023 04:43 PM EST
Vote(s) 0
Rank 659
Score 5
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

Plan your next base in our Builders Sandbox server and make sure you've got the perfect design down, ready for wipe! This server is dedicated to the builders of Rust, providing private areas and all the tools needed to experiment with base designs, electric and industrial contraptions, and much more.

Server Features:
Large private islands / zones for each player to build on, so you can build in peace
Build cost, upkeep cost, deployable cost, and total cost are displayed on screen
Custom middle-mouse-button menu with helpful options and functions
Auto-upgrade - select from the menu what material you'd like to automatically upgrade to when placing a building block
Spawn items in from the F1 items menu to place anything you want
Noclip - fly around your island and clip through walls to help with building
Easily remove things you are looking at by holding the hammer and pressing 'R'
Autosave - so you can leave and pick up where you left off later on
SkinBox - Use any of Steams approved skins in your build, plus our custom hammer skin
All blueprints unlocked by default - in case you want to try crafting anything
Test Generator - useful when working with electrics and industrial systems