LiQ Gaming |2X|Raidable Bases|No Offline Raid|PVP|

LiQ Gaming |2X|Raidable Bases|No Offline Raid|PVP|
Server Information
Hostname LiQ Gaming |2X|Raidable Bases|No Offline Raid|PVP|
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 0 / 50
Location United States of America
Version 2582
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Registered by liquidgaming
Registered since August 18th, 2023 03:36 PM EST
Last update November 30th, 2023 08:12 AM EST
Tag(s) Friendly Oxide Starterkit Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 468
Score 5
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

- PvP
- Vanilla-esque
- bi-weekly map wipes
- monthly BP wipe
- 2x resources

-Raidable bases
- Backpacks
- Convoy
- Quick smelt


== Rules ==

LiQuid Gaming Server Rules:

1. No Hate Speech: Speech that denigrates individuals or groups based on race, sexual orientation, or religion is prohibited. Offending instances lead to a ban by LiQ Admin.

2. No Cheating: Glitching, hacking, or any form of cheating results in a ban by LiQ Admin.

3. No Malicious Behavior: Real-life threats, doxing, or harmful actions lead to a ban by LiQ Admin.

4. No Toxicity: Disrupting gameplay or other players' experiences beyond normal discussion results in warn/kick/ban by LiQ Admin.

5. No Bunker Bases: Loot and TC must be accessible, no complete walling off. Non-compliant bases have structures deleted. Violation leads to warnings, kicks, then temporary bans.

6. No Insiding: Betraying teammates results in a temporary ban.

7. No Griefing: Blocking player bases or monuments is not allowed. Raided bases can't be blocked without intent to use. Violation leads to warnings, kicks, then temporary bans.

8. No Loot Despawning: Preventing loot access via despawning is forbidden. Violation leads to kicks or temporary bans by LiQ Admin.

9. 9. No Offline Raiding - You can only online raid player bases. When you start the raid the player must be online. If a player logs off mid raid you may continue. We have a mod in place to protect player bases while offline, refunds for wasted boom will not be given. Logging out to prevent a raid will result in Admin intervention. Open a ticket in discord if you have concerns related to this rule