Halani PvE

Server Information
Address pve.halani.net:28015
Hostname Halani PvE US | Custom Maps | Skill Tree | RPG Enh Items | Ques
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 2583
Platform Windows
Map Halani Custom Map
Website https://halani.net
Registered by globaltss
Registered since May 26th, 2023 01:24 PM EST
Last update December 7th, 2023 09:53 AM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Events Friendly Oxide PvE RPG Rust++

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 672
Score 4
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to Halani PvE Server a US Based Server. The purpose behind this server is to build, relax, create communities, and create friendships. With added events and more, it is the place to be for Rust enthusiast. Questions, please visit our Discord @ https://discord.gg/EKKFrkxzPD


Decay and upkeep have been disabled.
Player and base damage have been disabled (Other than Environment Damage to Player)
Players inactive for 7 days are removed including their builds except for Diamond and Premier support members.
Halani City is available for purchasing normal and hard to obtain items if needed (optional)
At times we may use custom maps with new Monuments and with existing if possible.
We try to only wipe during forced monthly wipes.
Attack helicopter (Chad) and the road Convoy only attack if you attack them first.


RPG Style XP System for Gaining Levels and buffing yourself up to gain more loot or attack harder.
Raidable Bases event,
Additionally challenge Bradley Events at Launch Site
Road Convoy Event (Challenge)
Guarded Crate Events
PVP Zones Coming Soon
Online Store to Purchase items for yourself and others as gifts.
Optional Silver, Diamond, and Premier support memberships to provide you extra in game perks such as spawning your own Mini, Sedan, Horse, Chinook, Train and more.
4-Seater Mini Copters and storage with lights
Car Radios in Vehicles
Virtual Quarries and Pumpjacks
and much More

Please check us out and enjoy.

Website - Halani.net