Server Information
Hostname [US] BUMFUZZLERNATION - 3x|Max5|Kit|TP|Insta|Super Skins|FULL W
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 50
Location United States of America
Version 2582
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Website http://www.bumfuzzler.net
Registered by Bumfuzzler
Registered since March 11th, 2023 10:39 AM EST
Last update March 11th, 2023 10:39 AM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Economy Fast Crafting Friendly Groups Kits PvP Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 466
Score 5
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

If you want modded you've come to the right place, but it's so much more!
UNIQUE experience! CUSTOM FEATURES found no where else, FRIENDLY community & ACTIVE Admins!
♕ 3x Loot | ♠ 3x Gather | ✩ Max Group 5 | ☀ Bi-Weekly wipes
✪ ADMIN INTEGRITY, admins & moderators don't play, only manage the server

➀ Complete base protection until LVL 15 unless aggressive
➁ 50% damage & radiation reduction until LVL 7
➂ Require 50% less food & water until LVL 7
➃ Medicine 50% more effective until LVL 7
➄ Undetected by all AI until LVL 7 unless aggressive

✩ 30 Prestige Levels unlock features with time played
✩ Personal NPC raids test your base designs
✩ Raid Shield gives new player protection, charge offline shields with playtime
✩ Weapon Evolution allows weapon upgrades to more powerful versions
✩ Firework displays at night drop loot
✩ Raid Sympathy gives back a portion of resources when raided
✩ Super Skins give dodge, more damage and gathering power
✩ Floating foundations allow building water bases
✩ Craft drones for stealthy recon missions
✩ Jason Voorhees & Freddy Krueger bosses, hockey mask, claws, nuff said
✩ Leaderboards unlock special kits when you top the list
✩ Wandering zombies drop special loot required for quests
✩ Super Heli & Super Bradley provide more loot with new challenging behaviors
✩ and so many more!

Visit www.bumfuzzler.net for more info & the subscribe kit!
Join our Discord at https://discord.gg/37uNKRX

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