Rusted Paradise PVE/PVP [SkillTree|EpicLoot|Events]

Server Information
Hostname [US] RustedParadise PVE/PVP [SkillTree|EpicLoot|Events]
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 2 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 2582
Platform Linux
Map Fall0ut: Custom NPCs/Event
Registered by peltman
Registered since December 16th, 2022 07:28 AM EST
Last update June 24th, 2023 12:31 AM EST
Last wipe April 20th, 2023 12:00 AM CEST
Tag(s) Airdrops Economy Events Kits PvE PvP Starterkit Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 23
Rank 136
Score 43
Favorited 8
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to Rusted Paradise - a PVE server with PVP Zones. Custom Maps, Optimized with many plugins to improve your experience on the island.

It's the perfect combination of PVE and PVP - zones to do your killin', and bases to raid all over the place (some PVE, some PVP). Plus, if someone doesn't log on for 24 hours, you can raid their base too! Traps and things will kill you, so wander into someone else's area carefully... And furnaces, refineries, even planter boxes are all lockable! Best of all, we've always got KILLER custom maps with lots of monuments! Come check us out - it's a fun adventure!

Wipe Schedule:
-- Map wipes on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month.
-- Blueprints NEVER wipe!
-- 24hr Purge Before Wipe

-- Events, lots of them, including:
-- Junkyard Event
-- Meteor Showers (mine-able!)
-- Random Traders
-- Armored Train, Cargo Train
-- Events at Harbor, Satellite, Power Plant, Arctic Base, Junkyard - there's always something going on!
-- Water Event (raidable submarine)
-- PVP Arena mini-games
-- Recipes - cook special meals to give you (or your horse) temporary buffs!
-- and more!!!

-- Raid-Protection
-- Clans - Up to 8 Per Clan (4 Roaming) Rule.
-- Economy With Gather/kill/harvest Rewards --
-- Set Homes, Teleports (/tpr /outpost /bandit)
-- Server Rewards With A Store To Redeem Points And Licenses (/s For Store, /buy For Vehicles) (rewards are never wiped)
-- Personal Recyclers to install in your base, and a /recycle you can use on-the-go!

See in-game info panel for an extensive list of commands on the server (type /info in chat)

-- SkillTree for increased gathering, crafting speeds, the more you play, the more you get, and you can customize your boosts for your playing style!
-- EpicLoot buffed items you can wear and use for various boosts - find it, craft it, wear full sets for more buffs!
-- Increased Stacks
-- Quests - craft, loot, kill, and farm For Server Rewards
-- Custom Loot
-- Pipes that move materials through walls!
-- VIRTUAL Quarries and Pump Jacks
-- Level up your quarries & jacks, and no one can loot your goods, too!

Lots of cool upgrades added all the time based on our players' suggestions, too!!

2 Online Players

analisa, marybelle