Rust Beginner - Survival [EU/GER] (biweekly)

Server Information
Hostname [DE/EN] ausRUSTEN für Anfänger [50% Upkeep / low decay]
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 0 / 100
Location Germany
Version 2553
Platform Linux
Map Procedural Map
Registered by parryhotter
Registered since September 5th, 2022 01:34 PM EST
Last update September 15th, 2022 12:38 PM EST
Tag(s) Friendly PvP Vanilla
Vote(s) 0
Rank 768
Score 4
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

General Information:

Server: PVP - 50% Decay - 200 slots.
Map: Size 3500-4250 - new seed every 2 weeks (biweekly).
Wipe: Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
Player: Max. teams of 6! - no clans! - no alliances!
Info: Building and demolition help daily from 19:00 - 21:00 CET.

On the topic of beginner friendly:
Beginner friendly does not mean you can't get killed. Rust is a PVP game, you should be aware of that. There are many regular players here who will gladly help and support you. Moderators are also available in case of problems.

Since there are many newbies here, experienced players should be considered accordingly. Maybe don't raid every beginner base right away.
Kill on Sight does not necessarily have to be with visibly inferior players, and also at the recycler you can show yourself quite peaceful.
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§1 It is allowed to play with one main team with max. 4 players in the team.
§1.1 Raiding/Base Defense and Countering is only allowed with the main team.
§1.2 Monuments/Farming/Roaming is also only allowed with the main team. What is the main team? The main team, which consists of max. 4 players, is the team which is registered at your upkeep cabinet (max. 4 players). So the team you see at the bottom left of the screen is also your main team. Spontaneous team changes (registering other people at the tool cabinet) to go monstering/farming/roaming/countering or raiding is strictly forbidden and will be punished with a ban (temporary or permanent) if not respected.
§1.3 Other players who are not on the main team may not be registered at Auto Turrets, doors/garage doors, gates, etc. Door codes may also not be given out.
§2 Griefing is forbidden and will be warned or punished accordingly (temporary or permanent). What counts as griefing? e.g. massive roof- and doorcamping, daily raids on the same base / team (within 24h), massive spawnkilling, foundation wipe (exclusive raidbases, see §3.1), massive kill on sight, dropping loot during or after a raid, unnecessary destruction, placing tool cabinets (upkeep cabinet) near other bases (building rights will be restricted) is to be avoided.
§2.1 MLRS missiles may only be used in connection with a raid.
§3 Taking over bases is forbidden!
§3.1 Placing doors and walls is allowed during the raid, but must be removed afterwards. Bases must be fully accessible again after the raid. Raid bases may be taken over or wiped.
§4 Server language is German or English. Chat in other languages is not allowed and will be punished.
billabonGG — 03.05.2022
§5 Sexist, racist, anti-Semitic or insulting statements are strictly forbidden and will be punished with ban (temporary or permanent). This also applies to posting signs or fireworks on or in the bases.
§6 Players who, at the discretion of an admin, are unpleasantly conspicuous by their comments or playing style can be banned (temporarily or permanently)!
§7 Supporting another main team before, during and after a raid is forbidden (e.g. items, loot transfer, PvP support).
§8 If you create a new main team, you have to inform the admins (e.g. in the chat with /admin and the player names of the main team)
§8.1 A newly founded main team (new player joins the team) may only raid after 48h.
§9 Team hopping (constant team change), alliances or allies is not allowed.
§10 Raid times - Raiding is only allowed Monday - Thursday 4pm - 11pm and from Friday 4pm - Sunday 11pm continuously at any time. If a raid is started within the raid times, it may also be continued directly/immediately beyond the raid times and does not have to be aborted. Raid bases that are built outside of the raid times may be attacked by the opposing team (missiles, C4, MLRS, etc.). However, the team that raids may only start the raid at the specified raid times. As soon as a raid starts, all information about this is recorded via a plugin - if this is outside the raid times, the team or the player must expect consequences (time, permanent, loot/items etc.). A raid starts as soon as you try to gain access to a building/base that you don't own by destroying it. If a raid is successfully coun
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Moderators can be contacted in-game via chat at any time. Simply with /admin [message].
Example: "/admin The reason why I need help is...".

Discord Link: