[Nordic] 2x Solo Duo Trio Drone Shop and minigame

[Nordic] 2x Solo Duo Trio Drone Shop and minigame
Server Information
Address oslo22.spillvert.no:28245
Hostname Nordic 2-5x Solo duo trio
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 3 / 100
Location Norway
Version 2582
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Website https://tinyurl.com/nordic2x
Registered by Kaapo
Registered since August 11th, 2022 10:54 AM EST
Last update April 11th, 2023 11:59 AM EST
Last wipe February 3rd, 2023 12:00 AM CET
Tag(s) Airdrops Cheatpunch Oxide Rust++ Vote Rewards
Vote(s) 0
Rank 363
Score 6
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to our comunity and have fun.
* Server Page https://tinyurl.com/nordic2x
* Discord & Rules: https://discord.gg/VXC8wV73Na
* Teamlimit 3 per base/raid/roam.(No team swtiching until the end of wipe )
* BP wipe monthly Mapwipe bi-weekly on Thursday's see the last wipe date
* zLevels, wiped every 2 weeks ,
* No radiation
* Quicksmelt,
* extra backpack
* Worldsize 3750
* 50k stacks on resources,
* Sign artist: /sil picture url (No pornographic/racist pictures, max 1 Mb)
* Livemap: http://playrust.io/map/?oslo22.spillvert.no:28245
* Rust Servers Net vote https://rust-servers.net/server/167746/
* Event Dangerous Treasures
* Bradley protect with NPCS

Minigame Treasure hunt,
* 12 stashes hidden with a beeping signal around the map with unique uncraftable items. Find the beep ing sound location and discover the stashes on the ground!

Drone shop
Buy and Fly your own drone!

* Find the drone shop on the map and buy a note from the drone shop , it will give the code to one of the boxes with a dronekit which include a drone and a computer station.
* Place the drone on tc area add a id to the drone with building hanmer
* Jump on your computer and add the drone ID you selected ... then Fly and spy on the map from the safety of your base !

3 Online Players

DarkOmen, 4yMa{DaN}, NeMo