[GER] [PVE] DonTiger Stream Server

Server Information
Hostname Relaxe Rust by G-Portal
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 50
Location Germany
Version 2553
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Registered by TigerDiablo83
Registered since March 29th, 2022 05:56 AM EST
Last update April 5th, 2022 10:42 AM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Groups Oxide PvE
Vote(s) 0
Rank 1076
Score 3
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Stream Server

Dies ist ein Stream Server von TigerDiablo83 und Don_Matze92.

Jeder ist herzlich Willkommen. Bitte bleibt anständig und respektiert das PVE.

Folgende Plugins sind installiert:

- ServerInfo (Infos müssen noch eingefügt werden)
- AutoDoors
/ad -- Enable/Disable automatic door closing
- Backpacks
/backpack -- open your own backpack
- BetterLoot
- DeathNotes
- ExtendedRecycler
- GatherManager
- InfoPanel
- Skins
- NightVision
- StackModifier
- TimeOfDay
- ZLevelRemastered
- FurnaceSplitter
/fs -- Shows the status and help options
/fs on -- To enable Furnace Splitter
/fs off -- To disable Furnace Splitter
- NTeleportation
/home add NAME -- Saves your current position as the location NAME. (alias sethome)
/home list -- Shows you a list of all the locations you have saved. (alias listhomes)
- QuickSmelt
- RemoverTool
/remove -- Enable/Disable RemoverTool
- SimpleKillFeed
/feed -- Toggle kill feed off and on individually
- QuickSort
/qs on -- Enable GUI
/qs off -- Disable GUI
- VehicleLicence
/license -- Show help to the player.
/buy -- Show help for buy commands. Buy a license
/spawn -- Show help for spawn commands. Spawn a vehicle
/recall -- Show help for recall commands. Recall vehicles to the vicinity of the player
/kill -- Show help for kill commands. Kill the player's vehicle
- TeamManager
/team invite -- Invite a player to your team
/team promote -- Promote a player in your team
/team create -- Create a team
/team remove -- Remove player from team.