[RUST] Rustorico EU Server

Server Information
Hostname Rustoria.co - EU Main
Status Checked 20 minutes ago / Online 15 days ago
Players 0 / 700
Location United States of America
Version 2552
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Registered by Ruswty
Registered since March 24th, 2022 06:27 PM EST
Last update March 24th, 2022 06:27 PM EST
Vote(s) 0
Rank 1207
Score 0
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Create your own Rust server: Requirements and instructions

Hunger, thirst and cold - these are the first "enemies" that await players in the online survival game Rust. Later on, hostile animals and, of course, the other players located on the Rust server await as challenges that decide over life and death. In February 2018, Rust was released as a full-fledged game on Steam after a long Early Access phase, although the developer team Facepunch Studios must have only dreamed that the game would be one of the hottest multiplayers on the Twitch scene some four years later.

The players are distributed among the numerous Rust servers, whereby a distinction must be made between the official servers of the developer and community servers or modified servers that are hosted and managed by users. We will tell you about the advantages of a private Rust server and what requirements your system must meet for this. We will then show you step by step how to create your own Rust server and get it up and running.

Rust server: Host on your home PC or rent a server?

Creating your own dedicated Rust server gives you the opportunity to enjoy the world of Rust the way you've always wanted to. As the administrator of a server, you have the power to decide whether PvE or PvP is on the daily schedule, which map to play, and how large the game world should be in general. If you use a whitelist extension like the uMod plugin "Whitelist", you can also play a private Rust round that only you and your friends can join. In other words, you have complete control and can customize the survival game to your own liking. We recommend hosting your rust server with FatalityServers.com if you want optimal ping and speed.

Rust's dedicated server software can basically run in parallel with the game client, so you can theoretically host your own Rust server directly on your home PC and join this server from the same device. However, it is important to keep in mind that both applications take up computing capacity, power, and broadband resources. Unless you have a high-end system and an excellent Internet connection, it is therefore recommended that you rent the hardware for the Rust server from a provider.

What are the host system requirements for a Rust server?

The hardware requirements of a Rust server should not be underestimated. Even though the multiplayer doesn't have the highest graphical requirements, the server has to have a lot of power to make the huge game world available to all players. The type and size of the map are therefore just as important for the required hardware as the number of simultaneously active players. The amount of plugins used also plays a big role in how much computing power you need. We have summarized the most important performance data for a smoothly functioning Rust server setup for you.

Processor (CPU)

If you want to run a Rust server, a very good CPU performance is one of the most important requirements. Even for smaller private servers for you and your friends, you should at least go for a processor with at least 3.4 GHz. For a game world that should offer space for several hundred players, at least 4 GHz should be planned. There is one important factor that you have to keep in mind: Rust's dedicated server software is basically designed as a single-core application. For this reason, a host system with high single-core performance is recommended in order to ensure optimal performance, as distribution across multiple cores is suboptimal and automatically reduces the performance potential.

Main memory (RAM)

At the latest stage of choosing the appropriate RAM, it is crucial that you have a basic idea of the size of your Rust server. If you are planning with the standard map size of three square kilometers for a select, small group of players of five to ten people and without great use of mods, you can plan with the minimum recommendation of 4 to 6 gigabytes of RAM for your dedicated server. If you want to create and host a Rust server that can accommodate hundreds of gamers at once (on average, public Rust servers actively host around 50 players), at least 8 to 16 gigabytes of RAM is recommended.