US Rusty Rats 2x Monthly Solo/Duo|No BP Wipes

Server Information
Hostname US Rusty Rats 2x Monthly Solo/Duo|50% Upkeep|No BP Wipes
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 13 / 200
Location United States of America
Version 2582
Platform Linux
Map Rusty Rats FPS+
Registered by Trippyhaze
Registered since February 24th, 2022 07:24 PM EST
Last update January 2nd, 2025 06:00 PM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Fast Crafting Friendly PvP Vanilla Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 616
Score 4
Favorited 6
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

US Rusty Rats 2x Monthly Solo/Duo|No BP Wipes

We're a multi-server rust community that provides the ultimate Rust experience with all the QOL. We provide a clean, fun and fair Rust experience for everyone. Every server we operate is closely monitored for rule breakers (especially cheaters) and our staff team will act swiftly to remove such people. The Rusty Rats staff team stands against wrongful behavior, our rules are strictly enforced and we will always do what is right so that your in-game experience is protected and remains positive. You can rely on us and you will not be disappointed.

Direct Connect:

--> Map Wipes Monthly on the 1st Thursday of each month at 2 PM EST
--> Blueprints don't wipe unless forced by Facepunch
--> Group Limit 2 (Online|Offline|No Allies)
--> 50% Upkeep
--> VIP (no pay2win) - Redeem VIP at no cost by using points earned from your playtime
--> Raid Alarm - When your base comes under attack, Rust+ will notify you of the event
--> Active, friendly and non playing admins
--> Some minicopters and boats will spawn
--> Extra recyclers at places like Dome, Oil Rig, Large Barns, Ranches and Fishing Villages
--> Drone marketplaces can be found at all Fishing Villages and Ranches
--> Bandit Camp is merged into outpost for better FPS performance

Mods Include:
--> 2x Resources, 2x Excavator, 2x Quarries, 1.5x Sulfur/2x Components with junk removed
--> 2x Smelt, Recycling, and Stack Sizes
--> Furnace Splitter
--> Sign Artist
--> Premium SkinBox
--> Short Nights
--> Box Sorter
--> And so much more! View commands with /commands

Join Our Discord!

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