TemplarGaming US 10x Swift

TemplarGaming US 10x Swift
Server Information
Address us-10x-swift.templargaming.net:28014
Hostname TemplarGaming 10x Swift Loot++|PvP|MyMini|SkinBox|x10 JUST WIPE
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 59 / 200
Location United States of America
Version 2582
Platform Windows
Map Templar Custom Generated Map
Website https://store.templargaming.net
Registered by Admin_george
Registered since October 2nd, 2021 12:47 PM EST
Last update April 11th, 2023 04:59 PM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Doorsharing Instant Craft Kits Oxide PvP Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 321
Score 6
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to the TemplarGaming 10x Swift!
A much faster paced gameplay environment with No Blueprints, No Workbenches & lots of features to speed up progression.
✪ Heavily boosted loot
✪ Everyone has SkinBox, /MyMini, AutoDoors, Furnace Splitter, /Remove & more
✪ In-Game Leaderboard tracking your kills, deaths headshots and more
✪ Kits | Clan Auth Sharing | Shop | + More Features For a Swift 10x Experience!
✪ Group Limit: 8
✪ Unlimited TPR/Home
✪ Active Non-Playing Admins

➢ Join our Discord to claim a supply drop & stay up to date with all our latest news.

➢ Join our Steam group and get access to /Kit Steam

59 Online Players

Justified, swave, Dobis, DriftedTiger, 🐱‍👤NoBro🐱‍👤, swampkitty343, ShitHead, Snuggles the Smitten Kitten, Victor, fishinglouie108, Farmer *, PewPew, Sxmih, waypaswxz, Warrior's Soul, Astro, Widowmaker911, Eldini, kelvãoMILGRAU, alek, семён люстра, RAIDPVP, xierdlett | #REVIVALRUST, arvid.CS.PRO, .Bones., crown ftw, noob18451, JohnEagle10, iandres.99, theBeanMan420, hkendall3451, General, Majmun, Bum, Super Mario, Ace-_-, chickenfingers, jayPOPout, i dont play rust, Clarence, muzz~~, DeS1GnEr., I AM NUMBER ONE, Denga, ankalonov, Blyatman4000, Chappi, NaCly Princess, OM | Lotus, money$$, persik, MisterBlack, denzzzel34, Viva, TukeCHILLZ! ♕, DaddiDumpz, Spartan, Сгнивший, RobiNET, 1442, Luca, [LCN] Sky, Soul, Nerfme, p1x3L, DoNaT1k, RedneckJinx, QRambo

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