Table Mountain Rust

Server Information
Hostname Table Mountain Rust PVP 5x
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 2 / 60
Location South Africa
Version 2582
Platform Linux
Map Procedural Map
Registered by jsc111
Registered since July 29th, 2021 11:15 AM EST
Last update June 19th, 2023 07:52 AM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Custom Loot Events Friendly Kits Oxide PvP Starterkit

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 752
Score 4
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

This server has kits, backpacks, NPCs and a few other things. Resource gather rates are about 5x, stack sizes are 25x.
Currently it's quite low-pop, so feel free to come and explore.

Some basic rules:
1) Don't be a jerk.
2) No blasphemy, profanity, etc.
3) No racial slurs or the like.
4) Don't run around naked. If necessary, there can be kits to give free clothing.
5) Have fun, and don't spoil other players' fun.

Wipe is once a month.

2 Online Players

{HBunch} Nikki, malbal