Rusty Old Gamers PVE Server - Zombies/NPC Events

Server Information
Hostname [US] RustyOG Custom Zombies|Skills|No Raiding/Killing
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 20 / 50
Location United States of America
Version 2582
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Registered by BetterDeadThanZed
Registered since May 11th, 2021 11:31 AM EST
Last update January 31st, 2025 07:02 PM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Economy Events Friendly Groups Instant Craft Oxide PvE

Discord Server

Vote(s) 8
Rank 188
Score 16
Favorited 5
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Server IP/Port:

The Rust Old Gamers sever is a PvE server that uses the TruePVE mod to prevent player damage and to provide protection to your bases. The server utilizes plugins to lock down containers from grubby little raiders. All containers are private by default but can be shared with everyone or specific players. This includes storage such as boxes and furnaces, fish traps, etc.

The server is set up for a complete PvE experience:

■ There's zombies at the monuments and all over the island. Even more come out at night!
■ A leveling system allows you to increase your gather rate as you increase your experience. The furnace splitter and stopper plugins make it easier to smelt your resources.
■ With the /remove plugin, you can remove your base parts or any deployable at any time, making base expansion easier.
■ Worried about your crops? Don't be! The private crops plugin has you covered!
■ We also have the skinbox plugin so you have customize everything from your guns to your base doors to your furnaces. Make your own identity!
■ Your cars, helis and horses are safe from decay if you park then within range of your TC. You can even lock then with a code lock!
■ For extra storage, all players get a backpack, which doesn’t get wiped if you die!
■ When you really want to customize your base, the sign artist plugin lets you upload images for use in signs and picture frames.

There's so much more on the server than what is described here, so head over to our website to read about our features! If you're looking for a relaxing, chill, non-toxic Rust server, Rusty Old Gamers is for you!

20 Online Players

chanelle, shane, desiree, carla, muoi, luanne, reita, mirna, jalisa, reuben, nickole, na, cathie, phylis, ivan, ronni, brenton, ula, treva, ulysses