
Server Information
Hostname RustedWorld AU 100x 26Apr MyMini|SkinCollections|PvP|Kits|Event
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 3 / 100
Location Australia
Version 2546
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Registered by rustedworldau
Registered since April 5th, 2021 10:45 PM EST
Last update September 27th, 2022 01:22 AM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Economy Instant Craft PvE PvP

Discord Server

Vote(s) 3
Rank 296
Score 10
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Jump on our discord server for the latest info.

Core Upgrades:
- Minis back in the wild
- No night, radiation, weather, decay, blueprints, workbench
- Instant crafting and Quick smelting+
- Better loot+, Air drops+, Enhanced gathering+
- Anti offline raid protection
- Extra NPCs at monuments
- Teleport and Homes
- Player ranks with rewards
- Hourly events
- Auto emptying half looted crates
- Auto doors
- Trading
- Active stash and cheat monitoring
- Auto building grades to wood, stone and metal
- Bradley events
- Clans
- See game feed on Discord
- Shop including all rust items
- Kits to get you started
- Raid and combat block
- Private messaging
- Player ranks published in discord
- RP/$ reward system
- Upgraded item stack sizes+
- Free 24 hour VIP++ trials
- Thursday wipe night with free minis and raid kits
- Performance tuning and monitoring
- Admins constant monitoring through discord

VIP Upgrades:
- Auto load all CCTV on computers
- Auto locks
- Skinbox to skin items
- Auto build to grade to HQM
- Auto skin crafted items
- Raid markers on map
- Raid markers in discord
- Sign artist
- Vehicle license to unlock access to all Rust vehicles
- Additional gear and resource kits
- Bonus 2000 RP per wipe
- Shorter teleport cooldowns and more homes
- Higher reward rate on RP

Weekly wipes + Monthly forced wipe including player ranks and RP

3 Online Players

123, Imtoslowforu, .reaper