AlcatRust | AlphaLoot | x5 | Bots | Kits | And More

AlcatRust | AlphaLoot | x5 | Bots | Kits | And More
Server Information
Hostname AlcatRust | AlphaLoot | x5 | Rust+ | Bots | Kits | And More
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 50
Location Germany
Version 2552
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Registered by phlexus
Registered since December 2nd, 2020 06:03 AM EST
Last update May 10th, 2023 09:49 PM EST
Last wipe December 4th, 2020 12:00 AM CET
Tag(s) Airdrops Custom Loot Economy Events Kits Oxide PvP Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 422
Score 6
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

Welcome On AlcatRust!

Server Info:

Gather: x5
Loot: AlphaLoot / Custom
St ackSize: 100.000
PvP: True
QuickSmelt: True
Homes: 6
Teleports: Unlimited
Airdrops: Needed 2 Players
Auto-Restart 04:00 AM (CET)
NoobProtection: 3 Hours


BuriedTreasure, PilotEject, PlaneCrash And TreasureBox.


BotSpawn, Shop, ClansGUI, HomeGUI, TeleportGUI, FriendsGUI, DynamicCupShare,
AutoCodeLock, Remove, Earthquake, Airstrikes, RustNet (AutoTurret, BountyNET,
AutomatedSearchLights, RocketTurrets), Ranks, BoatCommander, Kits,
SkyFall, Rewards, InfoPanel, DeathNotes, DeathMarker, Sharks, NoobProtection And More..

Have A Nice Game And Play Fair.