Zombie Land Outbreak PVE | Raid Bases | Custom Maps

Server Information
Hostname Zombie Land Outbreak HAS MOVED => discord.gg/ZombieLand for det
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 2580
Platform Windows
Map Custom Map
Website http://Zombieland.io
Registered by tbird412
Registered since April 3rd, 2019 06:57 AM EST
Last update February 10th, 2023 05:47 PM EST
Last wipe December 13th, 2019 12:00 AM CET
Tag(s) Economy Events Instant Craft Kits No Durability PvE Starterkit Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 11
Rank 197
Score 23
Favorited 133
Discussion(s) 78

About This Server

Zombie Land Outbreak PVE | Raid Bases | Custom Maps | Skills

Loc: Eastern US

Completely custom map EVERY wipe with raid bases, skill system, custom NPCs, zombies, custom bradleys, and custom monuments.

Unique hand built custom NPC Raid bases with custom NPCs outside and even inside. Over 250 bases in the catalogue with 5 tiers of difficulty (Easy/Med/Hard/Expert/Nightmare). Every base of each tier has been calculated to be fit into an exact "boom cost" range for that tier.

Wipe cycle - roughly 10-12 days (varies to keep things even between force wipes) with the final 20 hours of each wipe being full vanilla PVP.

Join us on Discord: discord.gg/ZombieLand

Direct connect - type in F1 console ...
client.connect - Outbreak
client.connect - Infection
client.connect - Utopia
client.connect - Terminus

Very friendly modded server with over a dozen active admins. Strict "no toxicity" policy with zero tolerance for 'edge-lord' trolls. Friendly community of helpful players. Sick of being called the N word or being harassed? This is the place for you.

Final 20 hours of wipe is vanilla PVP. Some random, easily identifiable, PVP Raid bases do spawn. Players offline for X days have their bases converted into a PVP raid base. Our plugin even populates their boxes with loot.

This is PLAY to win. Many perks for VIP and Veteran ranks all attainable through playtime. Type /ranks to see your progress.

Skills - Like MMORPGs, level up your character and spend skill points to customize your character. Our system was developed with 3 months of data analyzation on 7 spreadsheets and thousands of lines of data for complete skill balance and tweaking to provide a fair but still challenging experience.

Fully custom maps and monuments for players to fight and explore. Never run out of fun things to do and discover.

Custom Bradleys roaming the map! Some bradleys are harder than others (but the number of crates they drop scales with the difficulty).

Custom NPC, Bradley, and Heli locking plugin. Once locked to you (via damage threshold) others cannot take the kill, loot, or harvest the wreckage.

Custom NPCs at monuments and other key custom locations including random NPCs roaming the land that look like players. Even BOSS NPCs that drop an entire custom skinned kit and locked crate.

Dozens of quests that have increasing rewards (Currency, Items, XP, and Skill points).

Spawn personal vehicles. Some vehicles take higher rank (VIP, Veteran) all obtainable through playtime.

Server Rewards - points are earned for everything you do, even just being online.

Home recyclers - simply type /rec to spawn a recycler in your inventory to place at your base.

Call your own patrol helicopter from the /s store to fight and the loot is locked to you and your team!

Backpacks mod - Have a full extra backpack.

Stack size modifications.

Auto upgrade.

Remover tool

Zombies all over the map with very strong zombie hordes randomly roaming the map.

Corpse teleport available once you reach VIP

Auto furnace splitter with fuel trim etc.

Teleportation /home /warp and /tp

Server Video

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