Server Information
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 50
Location United States of America
Version 2582
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Website http://pvegaming.com
Registered by demp3
Registered since October 13th, 2018 07:33 PM EST
Last update January 5th, 2025 03:16 PM EST
Tag(s) Airdrops Custom Loot Friendly Kits PvE Rust++

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 422
Score 6
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Our Rust PVE server features many of the most popular free mods and numerous paid mods you don't see on many other servers. We always have some kind of town for new players to teleport to and nice kits to help players get a good start. We have an economy by way of server rewards with an NPC trader to buy, sell your inventory. We tend to have upwards of 5-10 regular players, so we are a very chill, low population server. There may only be a few on at any given moment. You are likely to find an admin or other players on there to interact with to answer any questions you may have.

Our economy is in the form of reward points (RP). The more you play, the more RP you earn. (but not if you are afk) We have a large selection of items that can be purchased with RP from our NPC Trader, as well as permissions to other mods to further enhance your experience.

There are scientists & zombies to keep you on your toes and to eliminate any stress you may have built up in your quest for survival. We have an arena with free for all and team deathmatch events that you can jump into at any time. Winners of the event are handsomely rewarded with RP.

We hope you enjoy this configuration and be sure to join our discord to receive the latest news regarding this server and our other, many PVE survival game servers which include 7 Days to Die, Altas, Ark, Rust, DayZ and Empyrion. All PVE. Get an invite by visiting our website at https://pvegaming.com or click the link below.

Our modlist

Standard Mods:

Auto Codelock - Automatically places a codelock onto a placed door.

Back Pumpjack - Allows you to generate a crater in which to deploy a pumpjack. (pumpjacks & charges are in a vending machine)

Death Notes - Announces kills/deaths

Fancy Drop - Improves the quality of loot in supply drops.

Friends - Allows players to be friends and share bases/loot

Furnace Splitter - Allows you to better organize your smelting.

Kits (Starter kit, Starter Base & Free reusable kits available)

Lock-on Rockets - Allows you to lock on to a target before firing from a rocket launcher (requires WIP rockets)

Magazine Boost - Increases the ammo capacity of your guns. (only works on crafted guns)

Night Lantern - Allows your lanterns to automatically come on at night.

Plane Crash - An event where a low flying plane flies over the map giving players with guided rockets a chance to shoot it down. The plan will sometimes crash on it's own. When downed, the plane wreckage will include loot crates and defending scientists.

Quicksmelt - Allows for faster smelting.

Raidable Bases - Bases will spawn around the map that have been set up with loot inside. Bases are defended like you would see on a PVP server, with traps and defending NPCs. As each week passes, so does the difficulty level of the bases that spawn. Every 7 days the bases tier up and become more difficult to raid. You wont he hard bases spawned right after a wipe that no one can raid yet.

Server Rewards - You get reward points as you play on the server. Points can be spent at the NPC Trader that is normally at a Town location.

Skinbox - Provides an array of skins that players can use on their skinnable items.

Stack Size Controller - Allows for larger stacks to free up more inventory slots.

True PVE - A core plugin that prevents player on player damage and other things that help prevent players from exploiting others.

Vehicle Licence - Yes it is spelled wrong. That's how it is actually spelled. This allows players to purchase selected types of vehicles and have the ability to deploy them and recall them at will.

WarpsGUI - Allows players to teleport to the Town and other points set by the admins.

Zlevels - Allows players to collect XP for collecting, crafting etc, which advances the amount (%) collected as the XP increases.

Zombie Horde - This plugin deploys zombies around the map for players to play with. :slight_smile:

Purchasable Mods (using RP from the Trader)

Backpacks - Small, Medium & Large sizes. Adds additional storage on your player.

Chute - A parachute you can deploy from high altitudes.

Homes - Allows you to set a home that you can teleport back to at any time.

Home Recycler - Allows you to place a recycler into your base.

No Fuel Requirements - Selected items do not require fuel to operate.

Remove Tool - Allows you to remove building components.

Sign Artist - Allows players to load their own images to signs & picture frames.

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