Rusty Haven PvE Survival

Rusty Haven PvE Survival
Server Information
Hostname Rusty Haven PvE Survival
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 50
Location Canada
Version 2583
Platform Windows
Map Procedural Map
Registered by deathcake
Registered since February 25th, 2017 01:13 PM EST
Last update April 16th, 2024 11:19 AM EST
Tag(s) Custom Loot Economy Events Friendly Instant Craft PvE Starterkit Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 140
Rank 73
Score 236
Favorited 39
Discussion(s) 2

About This Server

RUSTY HAVEN!, The top PVE server on Rust! Not to be confused with the Imitators or Hacks, we strive for quality players over quantity of players.
Survive against Scientists, More powerful Helicopters, Zombie Hordes, Extra Bradley Tank's and Bradley Guard NPC's, Plane Crash NPC, Stronger Wildlife, Raidable NPC Bases with NPC's, Hunger and Cold.

The server economy is based off economics money as main currency. Your gather rates increase with Z-levels. You can warp to town [/warp], where the NPC shops are to buy and sell at the auction. There is a Quest giver NPC in town as well. All vehicles are bought with economics money with [/license or /buy]. There is a Heli arena for fighting Helicopters, and Lock On rockets are on the server, and work well with taking down helis. You can call 2 helicopters a day there with [/callheli name]. You can buy NPC bases to raid with [/buyraid]. Grid Power and Water Bases added as well. The server features some basic helpful plugins for PVE. There is, [/kit], [/home and /sethome *max 2 homes*], [/warp], [/bskin], [/backpack *type bind b in f1 console*], [/skinbox], [/ad], [/clan], [/pc and /ps], [/spawnrecycler], [/trade], [/env], [/remove]. Quick smelt plugin and Furnace Sorter is on and works for wood powered furnaces and smelter. The server also contains Chest Stacks plugin. For more commands and info, you made find it on our Discord in #server-info channel. Discord invite code is posted in-game periodically.

This is a "NO-RAID" server during PVE HOURS, and thieves will be prosecuted.

Monthly PURGE on PVE SURVIVAL always starts at 2:30-3:00 AM PST / 5:30-6:00 AM EST / 6:30-7:00 AM AST , ON THE TUESDAY BEFORE WIPE'S (Wipe is the first Thursday of each month) This is a fun PVP event at every month end. If you're a strict PVE player and do not like PVP then sell your stuff before pvp day and do not play on the last 2 days before wipe. Players must play fair and have fun with each other, with no harrassments or threats made to other players. No placing Turrets or Barricades into peoples bases, No griefing. You know what you signed up for on the last 2 days if you log in. Remember, this is a PVE server at heart, not PVP minded at all.